Latest Fundraising News
Alfie Poppy wearing new chest and elbow pads purchased for Under 11’s Goalie.
We were able to make this purchase thanks to the volunteers who helped at Tesco bag packing.

On Sat 25th April we have the Under 11’s home tournament at 12 noon which will be an ideal time to help raise funds for our club.
We will be holding a cake stall (any muffins, cookies etc would be greatly appreciated).
There will be chance to win a prize for the children by playing the Wheel Game.
There will also be a second hand stall for people to bring in any pre-owned skates and equipment (shin pads, knee pads etc) to sell on the day.
Please mark with your name and how much you would like for the equipment and we will try and sell it for you with a small 10% donation to club funds.
There will also be a raffle so could all players bring a raffle prize.
Thanks for your ongoing support and Good Luck for the tournament.
If anyone has small toys at home that they no longer want could they please bring them along to training so that we can make some lucky dip bags
The Fundraising Team